Tuesday 1 April 2014

There I go...

Well, nearly.
Just two more sleeps and I'll be on my way across the oceans blue, winging my way to the 'mother country'!
By now just about everything I needed to do is crossed off my list, except for the photos I need to print and take with me, which haven't got onto a stick. I guess my facebook albums will have to suffice, unless I get a rush to do it tomorrow.

It's a wonder Ross still has his head on his shoulders, because I've bitten it off several times today! I've told him that I'm stressed and now suddenly we are doing stuff that will help 'in case' I fall out of the sky! What the? It's the second last day before I go, and now we are thinking about 'wills', 'enduring powers of attorney' and 'executors'. Having a mediumly (is that a word?) technically challenged hubby doesn't help, as he's constantly asking me to help with a 'lost' form or an email  that's disappeared in relation to what he's doing to make us (him, our kids) secure for the future. Stress which I really don't need at this stage of the pre-journey.

OK, so a post or so ago I crowed about the fact that my case was packed! Yay! I shouted. A week later my case is overflowing to the point where it will, no way Hosay, EVA shut! I dreamed about going to Europe with two sets of clothes, one set on and one set in my school bag sized back pack. Two pairs of undies, a pair of jeans, shorts, a couple of tees and a jacket. Oh and maybe a hat. Long ago friends did this and LOVED it. Nothing to lug around, and when they got home, they just they threw those clothes in the bin. I've always advised friends "Oh, just mix and match" it's easy. Yeah, well now it's my turn and it ain't easy friends. I've come to the conclusion that my suit case is way too small. Definitely, WAY too small.

Tomorrow is D-Day and I will just HAVE to cull...and cull, and cull again. I'm tempted to go into that scary room right  now, the one with the piled-high-with-clothes case. The one with the basket of leads, chargers, this and that. But I resist, desist, restrain myself. Hubby asked, told and commanded me even, that I go to bed early tonight. Well I am. I'm an obedient little thing.
It's early.
Early in the morning.

Night all.
Tomorrow is another day.


  1. Tricia, you sure are one in a million. I don't think you will drop out of the sky, what would the world do without you. I'm really not sure if the Neatherlands is ready for such an amazing person as you, but I'm sure you will leave your mark on this country. I praise God that they gave you to us here in Australia, You are one very special lady and an awesome friend to me. I know our wonderful God will bless you incredibly as as you go back and relive so many memories. Love you Lynnie,

  2. Hey darl. A very much belated reply!! Thanks lovely friend xx


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